For 40 years, Nancy has served a reporter on lactation trends. Her extensive knowledge of the research and her one-on-one work with thousands of nursing families give her a broad perspective that makes Nancy well-qualified to speak on most lactation topics.

A well-known author, Nancy speaks at in-person and virtual events for parents and professionals around the world.

If a topic you’re looking for is not listed below, just ask. Nancy can create a talk to meet your needs. Contact her at and at 847-404-0219.

If your event is geared to lactation specialists, Nancy can provide the CERPs paperwork you need for for all these sessions.

Breast, Bottle & Childhood Obesity
60 - 90 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • The controversy over whether nursing decreases risk of childhood obesity

  • How feeding method affects the volume of milk baby consumes

  • How type of milk (human milk or formula) affects baby's metabolism, nutrient use, and appetite

  • What parents of exclusively nursing babies who are gaining weight rapidly need to know

Breastfeeding in the Digital Age
75 - 90 minutes

This presentation covers:

  • How the characteristics of millennial parents should inform our approach to providing lactation help.

  • Possible educational or helping strategies for lactation professional that involve digital technologies.

  • Types of lactation support unique to the digital age.

Case Studies: Ongoing Pain and More
30 - 90 minutes

Interactive session. Choose one (30 min.), two (60 min.), three (75 min.), or four (90 min.) cases to discuss..

  • Three cases illustrate different causes of ongoing breast and/or nipple pain, likely and unlikely causes and what the research tells us about whether an overgrowth of yeast might play a role

  • Fourth case describes feeding struggles that began at four months and reviews the 2022 revised guidelines on identifying cow-milk protein allergy in children younger than two years, what symptoms are and are not sign of allergy, and and when an elimination diet is recommended.

Concerns About Low Milk Production
75 - 90 minutes
This talk can be tailored to your group’s needs by choosing three of the following five topics:

  • How to determine when baby is getting enough milk during the hospital stay and if supplements are needed, how much to give and how to feed them

  • Why do so many nursing parents give formula supplements and how should we address this

  • Strategies for establishing healthy milk production while pumping exclusively for babies in special care

  • How employed nursing parents can use the Magic Number concept to keep milk production steady long term

  • The latest thinking on the use of medications and herbs to boost milk production

Helping Families Who Combine Breast & Formula
60 minutes
This talk covers:

  • What parents need to know during pregnancy about formula use

  • What the research tells us about how parents feel about combining breast and formula

  • Which strategies help nursing parents keep their milk production steady over time and nurse longer

  • How we can help parents feel more positively about whatever volume of human milk their baby receives

Helping Pump-Dependent Families
60 - 90 minutes
This talk covers:

  • The best, evidence-based strategies for establishing healthy milk production in those exclusively pumping

  • Specific recommendations for planning frequency and length of pump sessions

  • Ways to individualize pumping plans based on storage capacity

  • How to use the Magic Number concept to help pump-dependent families—including employed parents—meet their long-term feeding goals.

A History of Positioning and Latch
75 - 120 minutes
This video-packed presentation covers:

  • Recommended approaches to positioning and latch during the newborn period, both past and present

  • Which approaches make early breastfeeding easier and which make it more difficult and why

  • A simplified breastfeeding initiation strategy designed to make early breastfeeding easier for both helpers and families

  • Recent research on how early positioning can reduce the incidence of the 3 most common early problems: worries about milk production, nipple pain, and latching struggle

Also provides a basics checklist and free online resources to share with families.

Insights into Milk Production
75 - 90 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • Recently develop concepts for teaching families how milk production works

  • The impact of early nursing on engorgement and oversupply

  • How basic milk-production dynamics can be tailored to families with multiples, employed nursing parents, and those who are exclusively pumping, relactating, and inducing lactation

The Natural Laws of Breastfeeding
75 - 120 minutes

This presentation is based on the the book Nancy co-authored with Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers and covers the basic lactation dynamics from birth to weaning that parents can use to make nursing work:

  • How hormonal changes of childbirth affect how parents learn and bond with their baby

  • How touch stabilizes newborns and promotes nursing

  • How to remove the mystery from milk production

  • What biology tells us about how often baby should nurse and at what age they should wean

Navigating Lactation Trainwrecks
75 - 90 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • The 3 elements that constitute a lactation trainwreck

  • Specific strategies lactation specialists can use to increase nursing parents’ self-confidence and satisfaction with nursing

  • How to determine which issues to prioritize when helping families in a complicated situation

Nipple Pain and Trauma: Causes and Treatments
60 - 90 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • The most common causes of nipple pain and trauma

  • Comfort measures that can ease pain

  • Unusual causes of nipple pain and trauma

  • Current treatments and some up-and-coming options

A Parent’s Eye View of Lactation Help
60 - 90 minutes

This presentation covers:

  • Communication strategies that increase and decrease patient satisfaction.

  • Insights into how our language and attitudes impact families in the short and long term.

  • How the words we choose may affect families’ parenting style and increase or decrease their responsiveness to their baby.

Simplifying Breastfeeding: The First 36 Hours
60 - 90 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • Simple adjustments in position that make early nursing easier for both parents and staff

  • How separation and skin-to-skin contact affect newborn stability

  • How to discuss newborn feeding frequency with families

  • How a birthing facility can most effectively support nursing in both word and deed

Substance Use and Abuse During Lactation
60 - 75 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • The use and abuse of legal or illegal substances during pregnancy

  • The risks of nursing (and not nursing) when lactating parents use recreational and/or illegal substances

  • Lactation and the use and abuse of alcohol, cannabis, and opioids

  • When lactation should be encouraged or discouraged among substance users and those with substance use disorders

Tongue- and Lip-Ties: Where Are We Now? 
60 minutes
This presentation addresses what we know and don't know about this hot topic and provides an overview of the research and answers to common questions:

  • Are we seeing more tongue- and lip-ties, or are we just more skilled at recognizing them?

  • When should we refer families for evaluation for possible release of oral ties?

  • What do we know about possible long-term effects of unreleased tongue- and lip-ties and the likelihood they will occur?

  • What assessment tools are available and which have been validated?

  • How can we best support families with feeding challenges related to tongue- and lip -ties?

Transitioning Baby to Direct Nursing
60 - 90 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • Whether it’s ever too late for a baby to transition to nursing

  • Basic strategies that can help any non-latching baby make this transition

  • Special considerations and strategies for preterm babies

  • How to help a baby wean from a nipple shield

Using the International Code to Create Change
60 - 90 minutes

This presentation covers:

  • Why the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes was created

  • Other products whose marketing is restricted and why

  • How companies can sell their products without violating this Code

  • How some companies’ marketing practices undermine breastfeeding

What Families Need to Exclusively Breastfeed
60 - 90 minutes

This presentation covers:

  • Why exclusive nursing is recommended

  • Why so many parents who planned to exclusively nurse exclusively supplement with formula

  • How to boost parents’ confidence in their ability to nurse

  • Which approaches are effective in increasing rates of exclusive nursing

What’s New in Lactation
75 - 90 minutes

This presentation covers:

  • How viewing gender on a spectrum rather than as a binary concept improves communication and lactation outcomes when helping nursing LGBTQ families.

  •  The results of selected studies on a variety of topics that have the potential to improve lactation practice.

  • How clinical skills, such as practicing hand expression during the last month of a low-risk pregnancy and manual therapy, can improve early lactation outcomes.

Working & Breastfeeding Made Simple
60 - 90 minutes
This presentation covers:

  • The impact of parental leave on nursing challenges and outcomes

    How to calculate baby’s milk needs during the workday

  • Why a baby may take more milk than the parent pumps and what to do about it

  • How to use the Magic Number concept to keep milk supply stable long term