The Swaddling Controversy Continues

You may have read my two previous posts in this blog's "Swaddling" section, which sparked a huge controvery among my readers.  My original post was an abridged version of the lead article I wrote for the September 2010 issue of the International Journal of Childbirth Education

After my article appeared, the editor received a letter from Dr. Harvey Karp, author of the popular book The Happiest Baby on the Block and its companion DVDNot surprisingly, Karp disagreed with many of my conclusions, as swaddling is the first "S" in his "5 S's" approach to calming fussy babies.  The journal editor kindly asked me if I would like to respond to Karp's letter, which I did.  You can read both Karp's letter and my response on page 26 of the Summer 2011 issue of the International Journal of Childbirth Education.